Now in its fortieth year of choral excellence, Farnham Youth Choir has developed into a family of choirs that supports children to achieve extraordinary things through a shared love of singing. FYC has won international competitions from the World Choir Games (2024, New Zealand and 2006, China) to double gold medals at the European Choir Games (2015, Germany and 2019, Sweden). But every bit as important as this are the local performances that underpin FYC’s year, from the Spire Church in Farnham to the Menuhin Hall in Cobham.
Our dedicated team of professional musicians, led by Artistic Director, Patrick Barrett rehearses our three choirs every term-time Wednesday in Farnham. We have a Bursary Scheme that supports young singers across our three choirs. Details are here: Bursary Scheme.
Latest From Instagram: @farnham_youth_choir
Watch some of our recent performances on Youtube
An introduction to the FYC Bursary Scheme
The Senior Choir perform ‘Hope is the Thing with Feathers’ by Michael Higgins. Recorded summer 2021