Please give details, for example if your child is a vegetarian or if there is any other food that he/she cannot eat. Please also specify any food allergies or intolerances.
Please give details if your child suffers from any medical condition of which, whilst not affecting his/her ability to take part in FYC activities, the choir leaders should be aware (e.g. action needed in case of asthma attack). State all non-food allergies (e.g. pets, latex, antibiotics) as the choir is involved in a wide variety of activities.
Please also state if your child has been prescribed with medication that he/she is required to carry with them at all times, such as insulin, inhaler, epipen, anapen, or similar
Please tell us about any additional learning needs that your singer has, that you think might be relevant to their membership of the choir. For example, ADHD may make it harder for a singer to concentrate, or dyslexia may make it harder to remember words. If the music team knows about this, they can make adjustments to ensure that your child can participate fully.
If there is anything else that you feel we should know, please enter that here