Seniors - £759 (£253 per term)
Juniors - £429 (£143 per term)
Trainers - £297 (£99 per term)
Sibling discounts at 15% are available, please email for details.
Subscriptions may be paid annually or termly directly into the choir’s bank account. Alternatively, you may spread the annual payment over 10 months either by setting up a direct debit with your bank or via GoCardless using the links below:
Senior (£75.90 taken on 25th of each month):
Junior (£42.90 taken on 25th of each month):
Training (£29.70 taken on 25th of each month):
FYC bank account details:
Sort code: 30-93-20
Account number: 00054740
Account name: Farnham Youth Choir
Any subscriptions that remain unpaid by the third rehearsal of each term will be subject to a £10 administration fee.